Tuesday 23 March 2010

Attack of the Killer Dog

Friday 19th March.

Off to a hotel with the missus later. It's her birthday. Wanted to get a good cycle in before we leave.

So, I did a 15 miler. Along the canal again, avoiding 'mount everest', going nicely.

I the distance is a sheep dog, sees me, runs up and bites my leg! I kick it and shout, but it's having none of it. It bites me again. I kick it, and it looks a bit sheepish (sorry, couldn't resist) and it runs to it's owner who has just appeared from a gap in the hedge.

'Your dog just bit me!' I said, indignant.

'It's OK, he's just rounding you up.' he said, and disappeared back into the hedge.

Rounding me up? Rounding me up? Still, it's all character building.

Isn't it?

Anyways, a good cycle was not spoiled. 15 miles. Brill!

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