Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Mud, Glorious Mud!

I did a 10 miler last night and another this morning. Last night was brilliant, I went the three peaks, through Devizes, and then joined the canal. It had rained during the day and the tow path was a touch muddy. Also they are doing some 'stuff' on Caen Hill, and that was like a quagmire!

By the time I had reached the bottom I was covered head to toe in mud. I looked like I had been wrestling. I need a front mudgard! Having said that though, I have one of those rear mudgards that mountain bikers use, and whilst it caught some of the stuff, it certainly didn't catch all.

This morning I did the three peaks back to front, back up the main road at Caen Hill. Crikey it's a long one, with a bit of 'extra steepness' just before the top. Killer.

Saw Capt, Purser and Gandalf last night. They all survived Sunday. Capt and Gandalf were looking half dead on Sunday after our marathon, not surprising seeing as Gandalf hadn't ridden anywhere near so far in about 5 years and Capt's bike needs some work on slipping gears and slick tyres instead of Mountain Bike ones.

Sunday, 28 March 2010

100 Miles in a Week!


I have done, as of today, 102 miles since Monday :D I am feeling very pleased with myself.

Yesterday I did a 15 miler, not too strenuous, through some of the villages and with a few hills. Very enjoyable, and just over an hour.

Today I went out with Capt and Purser, and Gandalf (who may or may not be joining us in June for the cycle). Purser put together a gruelling schedule, with a couple of steep, long climbs. I am pleased to report that I completed these without having to stop. 29 miles later I got home, a little tired, but not too bad.

I weighed myself this morning, and for the first time in 5 years I am under 16 stone. Hurrah! I am a bit worried as next week I am off on my hols for a week, but I have purchased a cycle carrier and will take my bike with me. Have bike, will travel :)

Friday, 26 March 2010

Dead Legs, Better Lungs and Victor Meldrew

I did what will now be known as the three peaks this morning. This is the one where I met the old chap who asked me if I was OK in early March.

I set off and felt fine, but at the first sign of a hill my legs felt dead. Completely dead. 'Oh dear', I thought to myself, 'this isn't good'. Anyways, I pushed on through the pain and burning and reached the top of the first hill.

The second hill was a touch better, still burning, but a bit more power in the legs. By the third hill I was motoring. I even went up it in 8th gear (seeing as my bike refused to go down into first), and reached the top in better style than ever. I guess the legs were full of *some kind of stuff your body shoves in there to do some good* after my cycle to work on Wednesday.

I have seen a real improvement in my lungs over the past little while. It's interesting, but late in the evening I have a bit of a cough for a couple of hours. I have put this down to my body clearing out lung passages that haven't been used. Ever.

So, the three peaks out of the way I came back through one of the villages. At one point a car drove past at top speed and then slowed right down. 'What's going on here' I remember thinking, just as it decided to turn left, about 3 yards in front of me! I slammed on my brakes, it *slowly* turned into the entrance (through which it was going at a slow speed because it was blind and I expect didn't want to cause an accident :D ), and then it was off. I didn't even have time to wave my fist. If only they had waited for, like, a millisecond they could have turned in after I had gone past. 'I don't belieeeeeeve iiiiiit'.

Am I going to turn into the Victor Meldrew of the roads? Tell you what, my wife would not be at all surprised.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Weight Check

Well, no cycling today - giving the old legs time to recover.

So, weighed myself instead. At the start of March I was 16 stone 7 pounds. I am, as of today, 16 stone 1 pound :D

Keep this up and I will disappear by the end of the year.

It would be great to get under the 15 stone by the time we do the charity ride (which looks like middle of June).

Wednesday, 24 March 2010


Well, I was a touch nervous. Would I get there, would I get a puncture, would the traffic be OK? I set off at 6:30.

First obstacle was the south face of mount everest. I must admit to having to walk the last 50 yards or so, but I didn't want to tire myself out not knowing what was ahead. Then I was over and careering down the north face. I tried to get right down over the railway bridge without pedalling and was sooooo close, about a foot away give or take and I had to pedal once. Still, to do this I had to go at 36 mph down the north face in the first place. Exciting, but a bit silly.

Then I had to traverse town, which I did with very little problem. I followed this up by playing with the traffic all the way to work, with artic's washing past. To be honest, it really wasn't a problem.

14 miles, and I was there :D Hurrah! It took me one hour, so that's, erm, *counting on all fingers thumbs*, erm, 14 mph :D

Then the trip home. Got changed into my gear, much to the delight of my workmates, and set off at 5:15. I was tired after a mile, and starting to get a bit worried, so I stopped off at town and got a choccie bar. Did the job.

Then it started raining. And getting windy. My glasses got covered in spray and I was having trouble seeing. I ploughed on, but did walk half way up the north face of everest. I finally got home at 6:15, after another 14 miles, which is, erm, abouts, erm, 14mph again :)

I feel very, very pleased with myself! But, I'm not going to cycle to skittles tonight for fear of 'overdoing it' as my grandmother would say. Probably.

P.S. new kit = brill! Very pleased, especially with the new light which can be seen in Normandy. Apparently.

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Big Day Tomorrow

Tuesday 23rd March

Yesterday I did the 10 miler again, over mount everest. I had to stop again, but only for 30 seconds, and quite near the top. Next time, next time...

Went and got the following at lunchtime:
Yellow jacket
Tena lady pants
New light
Inner tubes

Got home and put them on, and the dog went for me! Great, more dog attacks in the weeks to come....

Today I did the lady jogger and old man route again. No problem! I shocked myself, it was so easy. After just a couple of weeks it really is getting easier!

So, tomorrow, I'm cycling all the way to work! 14 miles each way. Am I mad? Probably. Will I enjoy it? Definitely! Will I want to cycle to skittles tomorrow night aswell? Erm, not sure.

This is a real big thing. I said to someone at work at the start of March that I wanted to cycle to work before the end of March. I said it, but didn't quite believe it. If I can pull this off it's a really big deal. Really big.

Essential Bike Equipment - Addendum 2...

Tena ladies pants

Attack of the Killer Dog

Friday 19th March.

Off to a hotel with the missus later. It's her birthday. Wanted to get a good cycle in before we leave.

So, I did a 15 miler. Along the canal again, avoiding 'mount everest', going nicely.

I the distance is a sheep dog, sees me, runs up and bites my leg! I kick it and shout, but it's having none of it. It bites me again. I kick it, and it looks a bit sheepish (sorry, couldn't resist) and it runs to it's owner who has just appeared from a gap in the hedge.

'Your dog just bit me!' I said, indignant.

'It's OK, he's just rounding you up.' he said, and disappeared back into the hedge.

Rounding me up? Rounding me up? Still, it's all character building.

Isn't it?

Anyways, a good cycle was not spoiled. 15 miles. Brill!

The Male Anatomy

Thursday 18th March.

I'm just going to blurt it out.

My genitals go numb after about 5 mins of cycling!

I'm going to buy some of those lycra shorts with what Capt calls 'built in Tena ladies'.

Essential Bike Equipment - Addendum..

A good light
Shiny stuff to wear

Dailies and Skittles!

Weds 17th March.

Did 10 miles yesterday, 10 today, both between 6 and 7 am. Then I cycled to skittles! Yep, in the dark. Yep, with a rubbish 'Supermarket home brand' light. Yep, no flourescent kit.

I made it, but my, oh my, it was scary. Our village is really in the middle of nowhere. It was pitch black, no cars, no street lights, a glow worm attached to my handlebars for lighting, and only the sound of lambs bleating in the fields. I awaited the tearing of the werewolfs claws into my back, but it never came.

Still, I was home in record time!

Essential Bike Equipment

Monday 15th March

The list so far...

Spare inner tubes
Tyre levers
Spoke spanner

Capt and Purser

Sunday 14th March. Let me introduce the other protagonists in this madcap adventure. Capt it the skipper of the skittles team. Purser is the treasurer. T'was they who persuaded me to do this cycling lark.

So, we go out for a cycle. I wasn't sure what to expect. Purser had put together a route on a smashing site 'bikeroutetoaster.com'. Brill, it is. We went to the next village, then out into the countryside. What was in my mind 'a long way', suddenly got eaten up. It is great cycling with mates. In all we cycled 20 miles, until I got a puncture. Fortunately for me we were close to Capt's house, so he popped the bike in the landy and drove me home.

Still, eh, 20 miles! Brilliant!

Second Morning Out

Wednesday 10th March. Did another 10 miles this morning. Nice route, out to the canal and then along, but on the way back is 'mount everest' as it will now always be called. I will conquer it. It is not that long, but it at least a 2:1 (well it feels that way) and after you have done 7 miles it hurts.

Anyways, I stopped only once on the way up, puffing away. But still, I made it. Two morning in a row. I'm getting to like this!

Morning Glory

Tuesday 9th March. Realising that I need to do more than a few cycles at the weekends, I have decided to start cycling in the mornings. Before work. At 6am.

My body has no idea what is going on, but I'm going to teach it who's boss.

So today I did 8.5 miles in 50 mins. Same route as last time, up round the villages. Got back, a touch worse for wear, but feeling really proud.

Get Back in the Saddle

Sunday 7th March. 'God its cold. But still, I need to get cycling again.' I'm worried by last experience, but I need to do this.

So, off I go. 8 miles, up a not too steep road, a few villages, not bad, not bad.

I return home happy. And a touch more enthused.

Of Young Ladies and Old Men

28th Feb.

Buoyed up by my success fo cycling from the garage, I went for a spin. I thought I would go to our local town from the village I live in and then round in a circle back home via a different route. So that's what I did.

Thing is, between me and the town are three hills. A steep one, a short one, and then a looooooong one. I had watched the first installment of Eddie Izzard doing his 40'od Marathons around the UK the night before, and thought 'well, if he can do that, then at least I can cycle to the local town'. Hmmmmm.

So, first thing. I do the first two hills. Puffing a bit now. On the way downhill to the third hill I pass a lovely young lady who is out for a jog. 'Good for her' I think. I get to the loooooong hill, put the bike in 1st gear, and start the climb.

Half way up, I get passed. I hadn't got off, but I was cycling so slowly that the young lass passed me! Yep, she jogged past me! Oh, how embarrassing! 'I can't stop now' I thought, and pushed on to the top of the hill. 'Whehey!'

2 minutes later I was sitting in the market place. I had lost all strength and the banana I had stuffed down before I left was really threatening to make a guest appearance. So there I was, trying to keep my stomach contents to myself, unable to move, when an old chap, mid 60's wanders up and asks me if I'm OK. 'God' I thought, 'I must look bad!' 'Fine' I mumbled, and off he shuffled, looking rather worried.

After 10 mins my strength came back, and I cycled back home. Downhill, which was nice, and rather handy, as I was beginning to think that the embarrassing 'Darling, can you come and get me' call was on it's way.

I would never have been allowed back on the bike again!

Modern Technology

Cycle computers. Get one. They are Brill!

I got mine from China off ebay for 99p. It's got more processing power than the lunar module. It tells me how far I have gone since I started cycling, how many miles I did in my last trip, my top speed, my average speed.

Just brilliant.

The Car's Got a Poorly Alarm. Bless It.

It's the 26th Feb. The car needs a repair. The garage is over the other side of town. What should I do?

Well, I shoe horned the bike in the bike, and with a whiff of excitement I set off. I dropped the car off and then, yes, I actually did it, I cycled to work! It's only 3 miles, but there is a big (ish) hill in the way, but I still did it. Iwandered into the office to lots of gaping mouths. 'You didn't....' ' I did.....'. Brill.

At lunchtime I cycled back into town! Bought a few ink cartridges for my ink pen, then cycled back to work. I was getting to like this.

After work I cycled back and picked up my car. I had done it. I had cycled 12 miles and I felt really, really good. Start slowly, and you never know where you might end up. I always remember what Sir Ran Fiennes said when he climbed Everest, being 'one step at a time'. That's how I feel, and I have the enthusiasm to push on.

Next cycle - Sunday!

Oi, Fat Lad, Get On Yer Bike!

Hmmm. 40, 16 and a half stone, and mid life crisis. Well, probably a mid life crisis. I've always wondered whether you know if you 'havin' a crisis'. I thought I was having a mid life crisis when I was 36. Is it possible to have two?

Anyways, last time I did any real exercise I was about 15. Just about the time I discovered the opposite sex. And beer. And curry. Sometimes all at the same time :D

I went to college, met my (now) long suffering wife to be, drank a load of Guinness, more beer, discovered wine, ate lots of curry, and before I knew it I had a lovely momento of all my over indulgences - a beautiful beer belly, that gradually swelled to the size I am today!

The interesting thing (well interesting to me) is that it really is just my belly. My legs are sort of normal size. So's my arms. It's just my belly. Just where the quack says it's a 'really bad thing'. The kind that my beautiful 3 daughters amusingly draw like Mr Greedy. Oh, the lovely little tikes (grrr).

Last November a couple of my skittling mates thought it would be a good idea to do a charity cycle to raise money for an all weather surface under the climbing frame in the school playground. They crept up on me after I had (yes, you guessed it) had a few beers. 'Of course' I said. 'Oh dear' I thought. 'Can I?' 'Will I? Well, I had said yes, and I'm not a man to go back on my word.

So, January, on a fine weekend, the bike saw light of day. I bought it a couple of years ago, a mountain bike with front suspension, silver in colour, and with a razor sharp saddle. Lovely. I went out with the kids for a quick cycle. 'Actually, this cycling lark isn't that bad', I thought. A few weekends of cycling with the kids, and I started to get quite excited. 'I can do this'. Slowly but surely.

So here is my blog. The first few posts are a bit of retrospective of my journey up until now.

I'm posting in the hope that some other poor old Mr Greedy might have a read, and get on his bike. And then perhaps another. Why not? A whole country of fat lads getting on their bikes. Brill.